Kindness Grows ...
Following a survey of thousands of UK children, the word ‘Kindness’ has been chosen as Children’s word of the year for 2024.
Each year researchers and experts from Oxford University Press ask thousands of children for their suggested word of the year, as a way of exploring how language is being used and is evolving. This year’s top 3 words were ‘kindness’, ‘artificial intelligence’ and ‘conflict’. Those 3 words were then presented back to children and a vote taken – with ‘kindness’ winning a huge majority of the vote this year at 61%!
What a beautiful and hope-filled reminder of how present and attuned our children often are to what is happening in the world around them and their incredible instinct for what is needed!!
There are various definitions of the word ‘kindness’ available – perhaps the least helpful one I found that made me smile says ‘the act of being kind’ (which doesn’t really tell us anymore than the word its supposed to define!!). Other definitions talk about the quality of being friendly, generous or considerate – or of doing good to others or yourself (which I liked as it reminds us it’s also important to be kind to ourselves!).
But I wonder if ‘Kindness’ sometimes feels like a bit of a bleuh word – a little bit like ‘nice’ … a lovely idea – perhaps a bit wishy washy … one of the soft skills that I have heard people belittle and disregard as ‘fluffy’?!
Errrmmm – I don’t think so!!!!! If we look to the Bible – we find Kindness pouring from every page with a strength and transformative power that changes lives, changes stories, changes communities and changes futures! The Kindness of the Bible is anything but fluffy!
Titus 3: 4 tells us that ‘when the kindness and love of God our Saviour appeared, He saved us, not because of righteous things we had done, but because of His mercy.’
It’s the kindness of God that brings healing in our lives and restores relationship with God. That is powerful!
And just as God has shown us incomparable and everlasting kindness – we are encouraged time and time again to share that kindness with others as we are told that Love is patient and kind (1 Cor 13) and encouraged to clothe ourselves with compassion and kindness (Col 3: 12).
Kindness changes people!!
One of the things I love most about the new discoveries we are making – as technology has developed enabling us to better understand how our brains work – is the way that learning and knowledge is giving us fresh and deeper understanding of ancient truths and wisdom in scripture!
Proverbs 11: 17 says ‘Those who are kind benefit themselves.’
Studies have shown that kindness can lower stress levels, increase feel good hormones, boost the immune system and reduce blood pressure – for both the giver and the receiver!!
You can find out more about the science stuff in this little video from ‘Random Acts of Kindness’.
So let’s listen to our children and prioritise Kindness!
If you want some practical ideas to help get you started – over on the Action for Happiness website, you’ll find a calendar for ‘Friendly February’ with a simple idea each day to help you bring kindness to those around you!
For those with younger children – I love the book ‘Kindness Grows’ as a beautiful way of beginning to explore kindness with your kids – you’ll find a book review on the wonderful me website!
To go with the book review, I have also written a simple Family Time resource on the theme of Kindness, to help you explore the kindness of God as a family as you pray together and reflect on how you can share that with others.
Be kind whenever possible – it is always possible.
Dalai Lama