Hi I'm Lisa
Welcome to Wonderful Me!
In John 10:10, Jesus brings hope and promise as He shares with His friends that the reason He has come is to bring life in all its fulness.
Fulness of Life is what we are all about at Wonderful Me! – for every child, young person and family that we are journeying with, but also for ourselves as we explore what it might look like for us to walk in step with Jesus unforced rhythms of Grace through our Living Well resources.
Let me introduce myself ...
Having originally trained to be a teacher of French and Spanish back in 2000, I have since had the joy of working in a variety of roles in many diverse settings. I am a trained SENCo (Special Educational Needs Coordinator) and have taught and lead in this role in both primary and secondary schools.
Alongside teaching and together with my lovely husband – Ali Campbell (The Resource), I have always been involved in youth and children’s ministry in local churches and at various regional and national events and I am passionate about ensuring that our churches are safe spaces where we journey well with children, young people and families.
When we moved, as a family, from Sussex to Clitheroe in Lancashire, I took a break from Education to enjoy a new opportunity, working as Volunteer Programme Development Manager and Safeguarding Lead for a national charity who partners with local churches – where I led on the creation of resources and training for volunteers, equipping them to journey with struggling families in their communities through 1:1 coaching in schools and through holiday activity programmes.
As I’ve already mentioned, I am married to the incredible Ali Campbell and we have 2 lovely student aged daughters! When I am not writing resources or a preach, or delivering training or coaching, you’ll probably find me enjoying a walk and a cup of tea – a cup of tea outside in a field, by a river, up a hill or on a beach always tastes so much better!!

Introducing Wonderful Me!
Wonderful Me! is all about ensuring that our approach to children and young people in our churches enables every child to feel welcomed, safe, seen, heard and known – to be included and to flourish in the knowledge that they are each wonderfully made by a loving God.
Over the past few decades, our knowledge and understanding of how our brains develop and operate, of the affect that trauma can have on brain development and wider wellbeing and of how we process and understand emotions has grown exponentially. New technologies – things like MRI scans – have enabled us to more fully understand scripture that says we are fearfully and wonderfully made – that we are knit together – as we have increasingly discovered that we are integrated beings – that our physical, emotional, mental and spiritual health is connected and woven together. We are better able to appreciate and celebrate difference as we have have learned more about neurodiversity and can understand behaviour as communication.
But lots of this learning is still new and hasn’t always filtered through to the people who need it the most – those working day in day out with children and young people – and so Wonderful Me! is about that – support, training and resources that draws on some of that rich learning and makes it accessible and practical for churches and organisations who are seeking to create safe spaces that enable every child to feel seen, heard and valued.
However, if we are going to journey well with struggling children in a way that nurtures and cares for them – it is vital that we first learn what it looks like to care for ourselves.
It’s the same advice that we are given when we board a plane – In the emergency instructions at the start of the flight if we are travelling with children, we are advised that, should oxygen masks be needed, we must put our own oxygen mask on first before we help our children to put on theirs. Caring well for others starts with caring for ourselves – which is why Living Well is so important! …

Introducing Living Well
In Matthew 11, Jesus asks ‘Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion?’ (MSG)
I know that, for me, there are times when my answer to those questions is a very definite ‘Yes!’
The good news is that Jesus follows those questions with an invitation to do life differently – to spend time with Him … to recover your life … to take a real rest as we learn His ‘unforced rhythms of grace’.
But where do we begin? How can we put that into practice? What might it look like to break free from the continual urge to do more, to have more, to be more? How can we step out of the rat race and live differently … live well?
Living Well is a space for anyone who has ever asked themselves those questions and who wants to explore this further … to walk in step with a different beat than the one that the world beats … to bring a more holistic approach to life that values spiritual, emotional, mental and physical well-being and how those interact with each other.
As we explore together, we’ll unpack 4 rhythms – Sabbath, Stillness, Wonder and Submission. In the blog section you’ll find material to help you dig in, consider and reflect and in the resources section there are lots of free practical ideas to help you get started as you consider what Living Well might look like for you.
If you are visiting for the first time, I’ve created 2 series to get you started:
Living Well - Rhythms of Grace Course
The Living Well ‘Rhythms of Grace’ discipleship course is a great way of exploring the 4 rhythms in a little more detail. It’s designed as a small group course with videos and resources that enable groups to encourage and sharpen each other as you explore and journey well together – but it also works well as a personal reflection tool.
And – of course, Living Well and exploring what it might mean to enjoy fulness of life is not just for adults!!! We want our children and young people to thrive and explore for themselves what it might mean for them to live well!!
To support this, all of the Wonderful Me! resources bring a holistic ‘Living Well’ approach that supports emotional, physical, spiritual and mental health – and coming soon, you’ll also find some activities and resources that enable families to explore Living Well together!
Want to know more about how you can join in with the Wonderful Me! and Living Well fun? I offer training, retreat days, resources, speaking and coaching and spiritual direction. You’ll find all the info you need on the Living Well and Wonderful Me! tabs – so why not grab a cuppa and have a good rummage around on the website – feel free to open all the doors and look in all the cupboards!!
One of the best ways to stay in the loop with all things Wonderful Me! and Living Well is to sign up for the Newsletter!
You’ll find all the details you need here!
Support us!
I am passionate about ensuring that Wonderful Me! and Living Well support and resources are accessible to anyone who would benefit from them, regardless of their budget.
Could you enable this by supporting the work of Wonderful Me! financially?
Find out how you can help us bring support and resources that enable each of us to flourish!