Hi I'm Lisa
Welcome to Wonderful Me!

Wonderful Me! is all about ensuring that our approach to children and young people in churches and schools enables every child to feel welcomed, to be included and to flourish in the knowledge that they are each wonderfully made by a loving God.

Drawing on some of the latest research and learning into brain development in children, along with the experience I have gained from my career in education and experience in children’s and youth ministry, I offer training and support for churches and schools who would like to grow in relational practice and create safe, welcoming, inclusive, trauma-informed spaces for each child that they journey with.

Personal Bio

I am married to the incredible Ali Campbell and we have two wonderful daughters who are now in their late teens!

Having originally trained to be a teacher of French and Spanish back in 2000, I have since had the joy of working in a variety of roles in many diverse settings. I am a trained SENCo (Special Educational Needs Coordinator) and have worked in both primary and secondary schools.  Alongside my career in education, I have been very involved in children’s and youth ministry for many years.

When, we moved, as a family, from Sussex to Clitheroe, in Lancashire, I took a break from education to enjoy a new opportunity, working as Volunteer Programme Development Manager and Safeguarding Lead for a charity who partners with local churches- leading on the creation of resources and training for volunteers, equipping them to journey with struggling families in their communities through 1:1 coaching in schools and through holiday activity programmes.

I believe that, as the family of God, we have the opportunity of creating safe spaces where every child feels seen and heard and can flourish – growing in their understanding of the wonder that they each are!

Want to know more about how you can join in with the ‘Wonderful Me!’ fun? From training and resources to consultancy and coaching – you can find all the information you need here!!!

[Link to Services]

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I am passionate about ensuring that Wonderful Me! support and resources are accessible to anyone who would benefit from them, regardless of their budget.

Could you enable this by supporting the work of Wonderful Me! financially?

For more information, feel free to get in touch – or check out our stewardship account page:

[Link to Stewardship Account]