Wonderful Me! Blogposts
Emotions in the Psalms
Our senses are an incredible part of how we are fearfully and wonderfully made that help us to learn about and engage with the world around us . . .
Kindness Grows
Our senses are an incredible part of how we are fearfully and wonderfully made that help us to learn about and engage with the world around us . . .
Engaging our Senses
Our senses are an incredible part of how we are fearfully and wonderfully made that help us to learn about and engage with the world around us . . .
Reflections from my Wonder Wander
Reflections on what I learned from my pilgrimage into Wonder this summer!
Let’s talk biology!
How do Living Well and Wonderful Me! fit together? In this post we’ll explore how its all about biology!!
What’s your eye on?
When Jesus healed the blind man, the religious leaders missed the wonder of the miracle because they were too distracted by the fact that He wasn’t following the rules!
Introducing Wonderful Me!
An introduction to Wonderful Me! – Equipping and enabling churches to create safe spaces where every child can feel seen, safe and valued.