Rhythms of Grace

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Welcome to Rhythms of Grace – a 5 week course for anyone who would like to explore a little more of what it might look like to walk in step with the unforced rhythms of Grace that Jesus describes in Matthew 11.

Rhythms of Grace was designed as a small group course with resources that enable groups to encourage and sharpen each other as you explore and journey together – but it also works well as a personal reflection tool.

Whether you are completing the course on your own, or in a group, for each session there is a video to help bring some context and introduce the theme, as well as some questions to spark curiosity and get you thinking. You’ll also find some practical resources and ideas to try along the way as you begin to consider what Living Well might look like for you!

I am passionate about ensuring that all Living Well resources are available and accessible for anyone who might find them useful – which is why the Rhythms of Grace course is freely offered on a donation basis. If you feel able to support the work of Living Well and Wonderful Me! by making a financial contribution – you can do so through our stewardship account. For further details, check out the Support page on the website – or feel free to get in touch!

Starting on 26th February, I will be hosting an online Rhythms of Grace course. Sessions will take place on Wednesday evenings from 7:30 – 8:30 pm for 5 weeks. To book your free place, get in touch!

Session Notes

Session Videos

Links below are all to Youtube videos. If your wifi connection is unreliable, it might be helpful to download the video content in advance, rather than trying to stream it live. Apps such as 4kDownloader will enable you to do this.

Additional Resources

And finally – here are a few additional resources to help things run smoothly – one for you and one for me!!

The first is a PP presentation with slides to use in each session. These are particularly useful in larger settings and include Breathing Prayer visuals and activities.

The second is a link to a feedback form. If you have used these resources – please could I ask you to spend just 2 minutes completing this form. It’s so helpful for me to receive feedback that enables me to continue shaping these resources to ensure they are as useful and usable as possible. It’s also fun to hear about when and where Living Well resources are being used!